The perfect mix

I have just moved from Egypt to NYC , I started my work early Jan and It was a challenge to find an apartment within 1 month given that I was out of the city for about 3 weeks during this month. The perfect lady (Sindi Schorr) really helped me as if i was one of her relatives or someone she cares about alot, on the other hand she exerted alot of effort finding me an apartment within my budget. Worth to mention, that I went out with Sindi for viewing only two times and each time she prepared for me a list of apartments within my budget and brand new as I wish. I ended up in a wonderful studio in Astoria on the river and with a very decent price. And this, what I call the perfect mix ;). Apart from the apartment search , Sindi was very helpful during my first day tour , as she took me to the bank and the Social security office in couple of hours we finished everything.

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