First off, my boyfriend and I looked at Craigslist, to which we later found out is full of many ads that are scam. We ended up with a great 1 bedroom, separate large living room and separate kitchen (decent size) for 2g/month… and no pet fee. It’s a 5 story walk up but the location in the UES is great. Our Realtor was Carol Armstrong. If you’re looking for patience and a fun time while seriously looking for a place, she is THE ONE to work with. First off, after calling between 15 to 20 brokers, all of which we looked up through yelp, almost all didn’t call back or fell through. Many said they would call back which they didn’t or in cases, never answered. Carol, however, responded promptly… she took the initiative to even point out a listing within 2 hours of our call to her. A few days later, I met her and wasn’t so impressed with the first apartment but she was prepared with printouts of multiple locations. It was nice to have choices and an agent who was by our side and fighting for us. We think very highly of her. She was persistent in our search. After 5 viewings, one stood out in the East Village. With the proper paperwork, our application was submitted for approval. In the meantime, on another day, Carol showed other listings. The apartment we ended up with definitely stood out. Finding an apartment is a difficult thing to do but don’t stress out. You will have choices…. maybe not as many as you would think BUT there are some places that are gems. You just have to stick it out… and have a great agent who cares for real estate work. Carol Armstrong!! Give her the try for your apartment search 🙂